Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Talk about Manic…

    … now it’s Wednesday already, and I haven’t caught up to Monday! Rainbow Lorikeet hanging out in the backyard – caught on camera – clearly up to no good…

  • Manic Monday

    There aren’t enough hours in the day. I’ve not at all been mindful… Too much happening all at once. At least Auckland will be going into Level 3 lockdown, from Level 4 – so that’s something. right? Silver lining hunting…

  • SaturYAY!

    Oh happy day! Today, I set my alarm for 4:55am so I can attend an online art class… Eni Oken, CZT is one of the most amazing tanglers out there… I so enjoy participating in the Art Club that she offers. You should visit the website and keep up to date with blog as this […]

  • Week’s end…

    Wow, what a week. It’s incredible how busy a person can be, when locked down at home… KiaOracle is looking forward to some “down time” to do some creating this weekend. After a crazy week at work, sometimes I have challenges in “getting creative” even though that is a major goal… My perfectionistic mind looks […]

  • Wood Hero

    Oh, happy day!

  • FriYAY!

    Wow. What a week. What a wickedly Wiley week… Glad it’s FRIDAY! YAY! Today KiaOracle has been focused on the Day job during the Day, as you do, so glad that finally it’s evening time and finally time to create… As I was feeling last week, I am so pleased at times to be at […]

  • Friday Eve!

    It’s Friday Eve! We start celebrating the arrival of the end of the week starting on Wednesday… maybe by lunchtime – since that’s Friday Eve Eve…. Tomorrow is Friday, so today, all day, we can be excited that tomorrow is Friday. Now I’m looking at my statement, and wondering, what does that mean… what does […]

  • Rainy Day

    What a blustery day! Wow! The wind has been blowing the trees around, it’s amazing how much they can move without breaking…. I’m totally “blown away” (Ha! Love the pun 🙂 It’s almost like watching a dance as the wind blows the trees to and fro… but the music of “howling wind” gives a bit […]

  • Zen Pens… from the supermarket?!

    KiaOracle reviews common markers found in school section of local supermarket. Today’s pens are Sharpie, Bic Vivid, and PaperClick – all permanent black ink markers. These are also known as MAGIC markers, so a perfect wand… I mean tool… for any creator…

  • Songs…

    The weekend is my favourite time to try and cram in as many creative adventures as possible. Today, I have been playing with my DAW with some fun results… the song I’m working on has gone from just being stuck in my head – into becoming more of a reality. Now I can start bugging […]

Got any book recommendations?